One of Raptor Rehab's primary missions is to provide information and educational opportunities about birds of prey. Our resident birds give us the ability to give the public first-hand exposure to these magnificent birds during our educational programs. Each one has been rehabilitated sometime during their lives, but was deemed to be non-releasable. In addition, our permanent resident birds also act as foster parents to injured or abandoned fledglings, or other immature birds.
Birds of prey include hawks, owls, eagles, falcons, vultures, ospreys and kites. All raptors have excellent vision to find their prey, sharp talons to capture and kill it, and a sharp hooked beak to tear the meat into bite-sized pieces. Some species are adapted for specific kinds of prey, while others may be generalists, eating anything they can find.
Birds of prey include hawks, owls, eagles, falcons, vultures, ospreys and kites. All raptors have excellent vision to find their prey, sharp talons to capture and kill it, and a sharp hooked beak to tear the meat into bite-sized pieces. Some species are adapted for specific kinds of prey, while others may be generalists, eating anything they can find.